martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

Mide tus pensamientos, se convierten en palabras

" Mide tus pensamientos, se convierten en palabras….
Mide tus palabras, se convierten en acciones…
Mide tus acciones, se conviertene en habitos….
Mide tus habitos, se convierten en caracter….
Mide tu caracter, se convierte en tu destino…. "

- Lucho Henao -

martes, 19 de agosto de 2008

IBM WebSphere Portal v6.1 beta 4 & IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory v6.1 beta 2

Hi Everyone.

My partner Daniel and I, have performed a fresh installation of IBM WebSphere Portal v6.1 beta 4 & IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory v6.1 beta 2 on SUSE Linux® Enterprise Server 10 and on Windows 2003 Server.

If you are member of IBM, or Lotus greenhouse, you can download all the images to install these products for freeeee wooooho!

Gotta say that our friends of IBM improved the installation process of Portal, it's smoother, easier
to perform, and a lot faster compared to previous version of this great product; it took about an hour!!! an hour!!! jejeje.

Now we have the chance to look at a portal that uses rich interfaces, better themes, giving the user the power of Web 2.0.

We're dying to play with
IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory v6.1 beta 2, it comes with a lot of new builders and gadgets for the developers, and it feels a little bit faster than previous versions.

Well it's all by now, c-ya